
Cum On Let's Party




For Veronica's Sake

I got my name and number
I got my bed assigned
I got a dog in the city pound
That I left behind
I'm strapped down and wild-eyed
She's locked up in a pen
She needs somebody to feed her
And I'm her only friend

So for Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah for Veronica's sake, she can get pretty weird
Yeah for Veronica's sake I gotta get myself out of here

We both been put in cages
We got our shots and tags
I got my sweatin' fist to shake
She's got her tail to wag
She has to bark and whimper
While I could scream and shout
The clock above the psycho ward
Says time is running out

So for Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah for Veronica's sake, she can get pretty weird
Yeah for Veronica's sake I gotta get myself out of here

And I can see her howling all night at the lonely moon
They're going to give her the gas if I don't get there soon
I gotta get there soon

For Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah for Veronica's sake, she can get pretty weird

Hardrockcafe о Slade

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Classic Rock Festival 2008

Gospel According To Rasputin
The Shape Of Things To Come /a>




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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