
Cum On Let's Party




 Love Should Never Feel

Somebody told me love's a beautiful thing
And when I found it all the bells would just ring
The sun would shine and all the birds would sing
Then I met you
I searched the planet for that magical girl
I walked a million miles all over the world
I found the oysters, but never the pearls.
Then I met you...
I can't eat
I can't sleep
I feel sick
I'm so weak
Love should never feel like this
I must be doing something wrong
I've never felt this way before
Walk in the bathroom and I take a deep breath
Look in the mirror and it scares me to death
Look like a junkie that's been strung out on meth
Since I met you
I can't eat
I can't sleep
I feel sick
I'm so weak
Love should never feel like this
I must be doing something wrong
I've never felt this way before
Love should never feel like this
I must be doing something wrong
I never felt this way before
Oh, ignorance was always bliss
Love should never feel like this
Love should never, ever feel like this
I've never felt this way before
I must be doing something wrong
No, Love should never, ever feel like this
I must be doing something wrong
I've never, ever felt this way before
What's wrong with me!

Hardrockcafe о Slade

Slade Band Members
Lyrics. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics2. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics3. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade.
Classic Rock Festival 2008

In Like A Shot
I Luv You




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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