
Cum On Let's Party




Sunset Babies

They're running in packs on a Saturday night
They got their own bark and they got their own bite
Waiting in line I can't wait no more, no
Slip right in you get kicked out the back door

I don't know
If it's possible to tame one
I don't know
If she'll follow me home
I don't know
What it is about her

Sunset babies
All got rabies
Sunset babies
All got rabies
I got my shots

They got a sick sense they know why you're here
They can smell the fear through the smoke and the beer
They're a vicious breed and they just don't care
You think you're in but you're going nowhere

I don't know
If it's safe to pet one
I don't know
If she'll go for my throat
I don't know
What it is about them

Sunset babies
All got rabies
Sunset babies
All got rabies

And I'd buy her a diamond collar
If she would only throw me a bone
Here I am alone.

Sunset babies
All got rabies
Sunset babies
All got rabies
I got my shots

And she's supposed to be a man's best friend
Why'd she play around?
Now I gotta put that old girl down

Hardrockcafe о Slade

Slade Band Members
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Classic Rock Festival 2008

Hear Me Calling
Gospel According To Rasputin




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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