
Cum On Let's Party




Fancyman Blues (Jagger/Richards)

You're looking good baby
I love to see my baby smile
You're looking good baby
I love to see my baby smile
You say you love me now but
You've got another man on the side

You're always hungry
You always want to drink
I love you so much baby
But I begin to think
Come here baby
I can see the glint in your eye
You say you love me now but
You've got a fancyman on the side

I love to dance with my baby
I love to while away the time
I love to dance with my baby
I love to while away the time
You've got some new steps now
You've got a fancyman on the side

You're looking good baby
I love to see my honey smile
You're looking good baby
I love to see my baby smile
You say you love me now but
You've got a fancyman on the side

Hardrockcafe о Slade

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Classic Rock Festival 2008

Could I
Get Down And




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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