
Cum On Let's Party




Gangster's Maul (Jagger/Richards)

Baby . . .and I went down town
Everybody said I was foolin' around
Pick me out from all the rest
And I love that...I gotta see it
And I seen it all, shinny cars

Now baby...and it's all the same
Everybody told me, that...you are the same
I love that girl with all my heart
And I love my girl
I seen the world... shinny cars...again
I seen the world...shinny cars

And I wish to hell, I never fell in love at all...again
I wish to hell, I never fell in love at all

Gangster's Moll
Gangster's Moll...one more time

Gangster's Moll
Gangster's Moll

Hardrockcafe о Slade

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Classic Rock Festival 2008

Gospel According To Rasputin
The Shape Of Things To Come /a>




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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