
Cum On Let's Party




I Never Wrote

My tape recorder,
it must be lyin'
'cause this I just can't believe.
I hear a voice that's cryin',
that's not me.
The wheel goes round.
I hear a sound.
It's comin' out all wrong.
And I swear to you I never wrote that song.
I been livin' in my own shell so long:
the only place I ever feel at home.
And oh, that music,
I hate those lyrics.
It stayed inside me so long.
And I swear to you I never wrote that song.
But pardon me,
I'm not lookin' for sympathy,
Not sympathy.
I'm just thinking out loud.
the melody,
it goes nowhere pointlessly. Silence please.
I been livin' in my own shell so long:
the only place I ever feel at home.
And oh, that music,
I hate those lyrics.
It stayed inside me so long.
And I swear to you I never.

Hardrockcafe о Slade

Slade Band Members
Lyrics. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics2. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade. Lyrics3. Vinyl. Тексты песен Slade.
Classic Rock Festival 2008

In Like A Shot
The Shape Of Things To Come /a>




Lyrics4. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics5. Тексты песен Rolling Stones. Lyrics6. Тексты песен Rolling Stones.


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